Anne-Sophie Lilti


Anne-Sophie advises on industrial risks litigation, insurance and hidden defects for more than 10 years, first within the legal department of a major French nuclear group then, since 2015, as a registered lawyer at the Paris bar.

Her clientele includes French and foreign SMEs/SMIs and industrial groups, as well as insurers. Her fields of expertise, both in dispute resolution and counsel, includes specifically food-processing industry (food and dedicated products), medical and paramedical products, building pollution (asbestos), and third inspection bodies (industry and aviation).

Anne-Sophie assists her clients before all courts and gives utter importance to amicable approaches and the anticipation of litigation risks. Accordingly, she provides on a regular basis training sessions related to risk management; she is a member of AMRAE ((Association pour le Management des Risques et des Assurances de l’Entreprise – French equivalent of RIMS) and is a member of the risks commission of AFNOR (National French body for standardization).

She holds a Master in commercial law in France, and an LL.B in private law in England. Before joining Squair in September 2024, Anne-Sophie was a partner at Grenier Avocats, in industrial risks and insurance.


> Risks litigation, insurance and hidden defects

Squair | International | Cabinet d'Avocats