Markets &public sectors, regulated activities

Public sectors &regulated activities


IT &personal data

Real estate &erecting

Projects &contracts

Corporate &M&A

Litigation &dispute resolution

Labor relationships &social protection

Intellectual property, media &entertainment


Restructuring &collective proceedings

Competition, distribution &intake

Compliance &Regulatory

Structuring commercial partnerships
Drafting of general conditions of sale & use
International contracts
Export control
Commercial litigation
Chartering & transport contracts

Squair has a team of lawyers who are highly experienced in contract law and international trade. The multiplication of regulatory texts, some of which are extraterritorial in application, and the complexity of international exchanges due to a changing geopolitical context, require comprehensive and adapted legal support from the genesis of a project to its implementation.

The Projects & Contracts team works alongside managers and legal departments to implement the contractual strategy best suited to the type of activity of the companies concerned.

She supports companies from the moment they are created by drafting CGV/CGU or other types of contracts that are recurrent or particularly important in the company's activity. The team is also involved in commercial partnership projects in order to best structure these projects and draft related agreements (partnership contract, JV, SEM).

Our lawyers pay particular attention to the sensitive clauses of contracts in an international trade context (applicable law, competent jurisdiction, force majeure, choice of Incoterms).

The expertise of some lawyers in the Projects & Contracts team makes it possible to assist companies in the area of export control (obtaining a license, non-re-export clause, customs).

In close collaboration with the Competition, Distribution & Consumption team, our lawyers negotiate and develop commercial documents that respect the rules specific to market regulation. With the Compliance & Regulatory, IT & Personal Data teams, they check anti-corruption clauses, economic sanctions and personal data processing.

Companies are also supported by our lawyers in the event of disputes relating to the execution or non-execution of commercial contracts.

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Cta Arrow
Saturday - Thursday:
8:30am - 10:45pm
Call for an appointment

Our team

Say, hey!
Cta Arrow
Saturday - Thursday:
8:30am - 10:45pm
Call for an appointment